CAAS UAPL Theory Exam

Preparation Course (Face 2 Face)

Our candidate passing rate is 100%.

With 80% on the first attempt, 20% on the 2nd attempt.

Want to pass the CAAS UAPL Theory Exams?
We will guide you through and equip you with the necessary knowledge.


This is a 1 day course from 9am to 6pm.

Limited seats up to 6 pax per session with safe distancing measures in place.

The CAAS UAPL theory exam preparation course is designed for all. It serves to provide one the necessary knowledge to sit for the CAAS Theory Examination.

Duration: 1 Day - 8 hours (9am to 5pm)

Number of Modules: 6

Ratio of instructors to candidates: 1 to 5

  1. General UAS Knowledge

  2. Principles of flight

  3. Air laws

  4. Navigation & Meteorology

  5. Human factors

  6. Safety & Operations

We will provide to you CAAS recommended Original Reference books (“The Droner’s Manual” and “The Complete Remote Pilot”) including Air Beacon’s very own original study guide would be provided to our candidates to navigate through the topics.

Our candidate passing rate is 100%. With 80% on the first attempt, 20% on the 2nd attempt.

At the end of the session, candidates would have the opportunity to sit for a mock theory examination and gauge their level of understanding.


For corporate bookings, please contact us via

TP01 - CAAS UAPL Theory Exam Preparation Course (Face 2 Face)
Sale Price:SGD 299.00 Original Price:SGD 499.00
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