Rotorcraft Training and Certification
Rotorcraft Training and certification
(Multirotor up to 7kg)
This is a course 4 days course including theory preparation course, practical training and practical assessment.
The theory preparation will provide the candidates with the physical book recommended plus additional information to take the CAAS Theory Examination.
Practical training would be conducted by our highly experienced instructors with low candidate to instructor ratio to ensure top quality training and engagement for our candidates. Training will also be customised according to the learning curve of the candidate.
Course fee: S$2,500.00 ( S$2,000 only for the first 10 sign-ups)
Aeroplane Practical Assessment (up to 25kg)
This course covers task familiarisation and practical assessment for fixed wing craft certification of up to 25kg. The duration of this course is 2 days.
Course fee: S$3,000.00
Rotorcraft Practical Assessment (Up to 7kg)
This course is for practical assessment for rotorcraft up to 7kg. It is a 1 day course to assess practical examination for Rotorcraft.
Course fee: S$499.00
Rotorcraft Practical Assessment (Up to 25kg)
This course is for practical assessment for rotorcraft up to 25 kg. It is a 1 day course to assess practical examination for Rotorcraft.
Course fee: S$699.00
Rotorcraft Practical Assessment (No limitations)
This course is for practical assessment for rotorcraft including helicopter. It is a 1 day course to assess practical examination for Rotorcraft.
Course fee: S$799.00